An American Girl Adventure!

Over the river and through the woods to Chicago we went!  Okay so actually it was more like over some frozen highways, through a blizzard, and to the American Girl doll store we went.  All for our little love.  She really wanted an American Girl doll and, since she's been especially good lately (gee, I wonder why...), we decided to go on a short family getaway weekend trip.

Of course, on the way to any other trip, we would stop a zillion times for potty breaks and snacks.  Not this trip.  She didn't want us to even stop for lunch!  For lunch!  Seriously.  So, we made one very quick pit stop and did not pass go or collect $200 on our way to the store.  But we did stop for a quick picture with Daddy and she actually managed to give me a real smile before pleading with me to move faster down the street!

"Stop taking pictures, and COME ON, MOM!!!"

Forced to take a picture at the top of the escalator, since I refused to take the stairs two at a time.  See the fists?  Those are shopping fists.

Getting her picture taken with Julie, our new "family member" as she put it.  I'm not sure I was supposed to take this picture, but the door was cracked open and I couldn't resist.

After her picture was taken, it was plastered on the screens for everyone in the store to see.  She was so proud and felt like a super star.

Showing off her magazine.  "I'm on the cover, Mom!  The cover!!!"

After American Girl, we saw the sights of Chicago, despite the snow storm.  We walked a lot and visited both the aquarium and museum.  

Why the face in this next photo?  Because Daddy is explaining just how big the dinosaur is and I'm sure also making up some story about how they eat little girls.  Thanks, Dad...


Well if these two aren't the "perfect picture" of happiness, I don't know what is!  Happiness just radiated from them and yes, they had the most behaved and poised dog I've ever worked with.  I am so happy for these two, who I met in 2012 when I photographed his sister's wedding.  They are so sweet and I wish them a lifetime of happiness!

So, let's start with the photo that had me actually saying "yowza!" out loud, when I first dumped these onto my computer.  Say it with me - yowza!  Yup - that's passionate love!

Like I said, their dog made his way into just about every photo he could...he was quite a ham!

This next one is I think my favorite...hard to pick, but I think this one is it.  She's so stunning, he's incredibly devoted, and their dog could star in movies.  I think this photo sums up this family.

I shot this a few different ways - alternating between making them the feature and making the dog the star.  Ultimately, I think all three of them shine in this one, despite the focus on the dog.

Yep - he really is that adorable in person, too!

Did I mention the bridge kiss?  No?  Well check it out - did they rock it or what????

Last, but not least, a quiet moment.