The Cole Twins Graduate!

Congratulations to the Cole Twins on their graduation!  The end of high school can be a tad bitter-sweet, but these two told me it was just sweet!  They were both very happy to be moving on to the next chapter of their lives and it shows in the pictures as they just beam with pride and excitement!

One thing that struck me during this shoot was how much love these two have for each other.  You can see the incredible bond that has stood the test of the teenage years!

As you can tell, this is a very photogenic girl!  She is a great example for all graduates.  Some of my graduate clients ask me what to wear and I have three main pieces of advice: 1) Be comfortable!  If you subscribe to the "beauty is pain" motto, you will most likely be in pain during the shoot.  2) Make sure it's flattering and appropriate.  Your mother, grandmother, aunt, etc. will want one of these photos.  If you are wearing an outfit that is too tight, showing a bit too much, or your pants are sagging, they may not be quite so happy with the result.  And, much like how a wedding is for the guests as much as it's for the couple, Senior Photos are for the family as much as they are for the graduate.  3) Have fun!  These pictures might be for other people, but they are about you!  So, let's have some fun with your photos.  I've had seniors jump into water fountains, play in the grass, and bring pets.  Let me know what suits you best and that's what we'll do!

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